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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What You Need to Know About AI

AI(Artificial Intelligence) is used in just about every facet of your life today. You may have encountered AI and not even realized it. It is becoming very commonplace now.

Remember this. . .

***Good News***

1. AI and the Music Industry

Did you know that Musicians and songwriters have the power to generate content in seconds, synthesize sound-alike vocals, separate elements on the same track and much more. In fact youtube talks about the top 19 AI generated Songs; one of which is entitle Three Daddy’s Car Sony Csi. It can be heard at youtube:

Top 10 AI Generated Songs


2. AI and Article Writing

An article can be written in under 15 minutes using AI (Artificial Intelligence) according to They further add that Artificial Intelligence writers can generate sentences and paragraphs by predicting the sequence of words that should follow based on your input to the algorithm.

3. GPS

Have you used a GPS(Global Positioning System)? I have used it often. I love this system much better than physically reading a map. In the beginning it was difficult especially when the voice on it would say (continue on the fork). I thought to myself, “What fork?” I like that it speaks and guides you in real time. If there is an accident ahead or construction work going on, it will reroute you and let you know. That sometimes can be a life saver. You can also find nearby restaurants, gas stations, and hotels. It will tell you how many miles away and how many minutes to get there. I have started adding restaurants where I have received good service to the Google Maps and taking pictures of my food orders. I indicate when there is good service. I love doing this, because when you travel it is reassuring when someone can recommend good places to you.

The incorporation of AI (Artificial intelligence) into GPS navigation systems, provide more accurate and intelligent routing solutions according to  They further add that AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of date, such as historical traffic patterns and road conditions.

Now there are cons about Google Map. We were traveling to Georgia to see my niece. The GPS took us to the back of the building, it seemingly did not know how to take us to the front and it stopped in an alley. That was frustrating.

4. What is AI Writing?

According to microcosmic AI writing involves using artificial intelligence tools to create written content, it completes the task in a matter of minutes and it’s capabilities depend on the software you use. They further add that the bot will search the internet for information about what you’ve asked it to write, then compile that information into a response.

5. AI Salary

Are you looking for a job? Did you know that as of April 16, 2024, the average hourly pay for an AI Writer in the United States is $38.94 an hour according to They further add that Washington, DC. is one of the top highest paying cities in the United States paying $48.14 an hour.

6. AI and the Bible

Researchers, Joel Mathew and Ulf Hermjakob, don’t plan on poring over the text for hundreds of hours, they are planning on using artificial intelligence instead. This is talked about at They further added that their tool is called Greek Room and will be used to translate the Bible into rare languages.

7. AI in Banking

Is AI used in your bank? You might say no, but think again. According to nearly 80% of banks are aware of the potential benefits of AI in banking. They further added that a real-time example is JP Morgan Chase; researchers at JP Morgan Chase have developed an early warning system using AI and deep learning techniques to detect malware, trojans, and phishing campaigns, it sends alerts to the bank’s cybersecurity team as hackers prepare to send malicious emails to employees to infect the network. Have you ever started a chat conversation regarding a bank question online? Did it ever occur to you that you were chatting with AI and not a live person? Were there sometimes questions that could not be answered?

8. Free Chatgpt Prompts

According to these are a few of the free chat prompts available to you:

GitHub - f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts: This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.

100+ ChatGPT Marketing Prompts to Save Time (

650+ Best Prompts for ChatGPT (Ultimate List for 2023) - Writing Beginner

Future Tools - Find The Exact AI Tool For Your Need

9. Tips for Using AI with Blogs and Digital Marketing

If you are considering using AI with your blog you may want to focus on collaboration, generate content ideas, start your content, infusing originality and creativity, enhancing your content, ignoring the use of AI for SEO, be specific, consider ethical guidelines, and remember that everyone is still learning. This is according to 

These are some important points, because I have even noticed when talking into the remote on my television it is so important to enunciate. Even when you you enunciate there are times AI does not get it and it will present a program that I have never even heard of. Sometimes that gets to be very frustrating so I will try and put emphasis on a different part of the word. An example is Elsebeth. I wanted to watch this picture so I eventually spoke to the remote saying Els sa beth. Then Ai finally got it. I realize there is still more to be learned even though AI is already here.


How AI is transforming the creative economy and music industry


Top 10 AI Generated Songs


Using an AI Article Writer to Write an Article In Under 15 Minutes


AI in GPS Navigation Systems


AI Writing: What Is It And How Does It Work?


AI will be used to translate the Bible. How does Biblical translation work?


AI in Banking- How Artificial Intelligence is Used in Banks


10,0001+Free Teleprompters


Should I Use AI to Write My Blog Posts?


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Slabs said...

AI everywhere, hate it or love it, but from time to time its useful
Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 307. See you again next week

anointedtoday said...

Slabs you are right. Hate it or love it. It is hear to stay for now. Thanks for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

I agree with Esme' above. Thanks for putting this informative article together for us.
Thanks for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for Stopping by Paula.