Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Be Kind Glossy Sticker
Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Human Trafficking (Omg)

In Her Shoes: Human Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone

According to, thirty-four individuals affiliated with a Somali gang were charged with sex trafficking seven young girls across the state line in Minnesota and Tennessee. Trafficking is occurring all over the world, including the United States.

The Slave Across the Street noted that an unnamed criminal dealer in New Jersey was described by an imprisoned murderer Richard Leonard Kuklinski as selling children ages estimated as 7-14 years of age, both genders and two races. Now could you imagine your 7-year-old being held against their will by human traffickers and sold for sex and even being beaten and raped repeatedly? This is just horrible.

According to sometimes traffickers use violence, such as gang rape and other forms of abuse to force their victims to work for them. They further add that the victims sometimes become addicted to the drugs that are forced on them.

If you have not watched the movie “Taken,” you must see this movie. It is a story of two girls going on a trip out of the country and lying to their parents as to where they actually were going. They were carefree and far too trusting of people that they met for the first time, only to fall prey of human traffickers. This was their biggest nightmare. Even after they were captured and drugged constantly, their traffickers had plans to transport them to another county and sell them to the highest bidder. It was quite a chilling picture. These girls had no idea that this was in store for them. They had plans to party that night, but that did not happen. Soon as they entered their apartment they were taken.

There are things that you can do about human trafficking. You can write a letter of encouragement to survivors, spread the word through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, send care packages, pray, read and educate yourself about human trafficking ,or make a video to spread the word. These are just a few of the things you can do according to thea21campaign.org21.


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When Children Worry

How To Find Out If a Sex Offender is Living Near Y...

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Jennifer Wise said...

This is just unspeakable. It's an important thing to be aware of. O.U.R. is another good one to know about. They do amazing things. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #22 linkup. Hope to see you there next week, too, with old or new posts.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Jennifer. Thanks for the extra resource

PaulaShort said...

Betty my heart is broken for these children. This is something that needed to be talked about and I'm glad you did.
I appreciate you sharing this information with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Paula.