I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

What Is All the Hype About Rh Negative?

Do You know your blood type? Do you know whether you are RH positive or RH Negative? Did you know that the blood can tell a lot about what is going on in your body?

Life Is In the Blood

Just To See You Smile:

***Good News***

1. Rare Blood

Did you know that only 15% or so of Americans have this blood type RH negative? Yes this is according to tech.org. They further state that RH- is rare partially because of how it is inherited: Rh- is a recessive trait. A recessive trait is only visible when you inherit it from both parents. Also, O blood is recessive and around 47% of Americans have Type O blood.

That makes me realize that when you get married blood type is important because certain blood types may clash and you end up with other problems. It also makes sense that even centuries ago relatives would marry now we know that if relatives knowingly marry there could be problems with the children because the blood lines are too close together.

When you have a doctor visit and they draw your blood. It is for a reason. The blood will tell the doctor a lot about your body.

2. RH Factor

What is the RH Factor? The RH (Rhesus) factor is a certain type of protein found on the outside of red blood cells. During pregnancy complications may occur if you are RH-negative and the fetus is RH positive. This is called Rh factor incompatibility, but according to my.clevelandclinic.org., treatments are available to prevent complications of RH incompatibility.

3. Your Blood Has a Voice

Blood Cries Out.  In Genesis 4:10 the Lord speaks about how Abel's blood cries out to Him. So this is nothing new about the blood having a voice. What is new is that man has discovered how to prove it scientifically. Man is always looking for scientific proof. God has asked believers to believe by faith.

4. Your Bone Marrow

Your Bone Marrow Important.  Have you given any thought about your bone marrow? Do you know where your bone marrow is located in your body? How would you survive without bone marrow?

Unless you know of someone that needs a bone marrow donor or possibly you have a problem with your bone marrow, you may not think about the major role it has in your life.

Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” I have often read this scripture. When I was younger, I did not quite understand the importance of the blood to the body. Just think over 100 years ago who would have known that DNA testing would help determine paternity or even help discover diseases of the blood?

Our Spirit never dies, but the flesh may encounter many problems. Just think there are those that have had hip and knee replacements, heart valve replacements and much more. I recall jokingly telling a friend that she was a bionic woman because she had not only 1 but 2 hip replacements and was doing very well. We may attempt to care for our bodies as long as we can, but eventually through time the body suffers wear and tear just like an old car.

5. RH Screening Test

Exactly what is this test? This Rh Screening Test determines whether the blood cells have the Rh protein on the surface of the blood cell according to redcrossblood.org., They further state that those with Rh negative factor will produce the antibodies. Therefore, someone with Rh+ blood can receive both Rh+ and Rh- transfusions, but those with Rh- can only receive Rh-blood.

6. Eating For Your Blood Type

Did you know that webmd.com suggests eating for your blood type in order for your food to digest more efficiently? They further suggested that Type O Blood should eat a high protein diet heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and light on grains, beans, and diary, Type A blood a meat-free diet based on fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains, Type B blood avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds, chicken is also problematic, eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low -fat dairy are encouraged, and AB blood should focus on tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables, those with AB blood tend t have low stomach acid and should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.

7. Common Blood Tests

Have you often wondered when you go to the doctor why the doctor or the hospital does a blood test? Just a small amount of blood drawn for the test can help your doctor check for a wide range of issues. Scripps.org.talks about this. Blood tests can check your cholesterol levels, thyroid function,cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and sexually transmitted infections. They further add that a few of the different types of blood tests may include a complete blood count, platelet count, hemoglobin test, basic metabolic panel, pregnancy test, coagulation tests, and much more.

8. Blood Drawn

While some hospitals have blood teams that are trained specifically for drawing blood from your veins you may encounter a nurse assigned to your room that might draw your blood. Sometimes people have difficult veins or veins that are difficult for the nurse to find. Sometimes you may have a better arm to have blood drawn from. If this is the case try to remember which of your arms is the best arm. It is very frustrating if a nurse cannot find your vein and continues to poke and prod you. I recall going into the Emergency Room with a friend during a time when nurses were on strike from that particular hospital. This nurse was having trouble drawing my friend’s blood. Apparently she missed the vein and blood started shooting all over the wall. My friend was very upset and told the nurse she could not touch him again, but to find someone that could. So having your blood drawn is no joke. Again I ask you, “Do you know your blood type?


Where does RH- originate from? Why is it so rare in the United States?


RH Factor


What Is The Rh Factor? Why Is It Important?


The Blood Type Diet


What Do Common Blood Tests Check For?


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