I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Is Technology Stressing You?

Some may say that technology makes life easier? Does it really make life easier or does it stress you? Do you always have to have the latest technology? Are you using technology to your benefit or is technology using you?

***Good News***

Stress Buster

1. Face-to-Face Communications

I often see those face-timing on their cellphones, which is great. This was a plus during the Pandemic when we could not be their physically with friends and family. This latest technology was quite useful during the Pandemic and still is relevant today. I also have observed others that are seemingly on their cellphones constantly. I was at an event and observed a person on their cellphones during most of the event. That can be very rude to others. I am even guilty of loving to text as oppose to talking on the cellphone or Face-timing. Itstimetologoff.com talks about the excessive use of technology and how it can lead to lack of face-to-face communication and social interaction, which can contribute to feelings of stress and isolation.

Even though many employees are now working from home, there are times they may need to come to the office for a meeting or attend a conference, because that Face-to-Face interaction is still needed. Even though there are those students that are still taking classes from home remotely, there are times they still may need to come in to school. Technology is good, but there still needs to be a balance which is something to strive for. 

2. Hidden Stressors of Technology

Did you know that some of the stressors of technology include being away from your smartphones, texting and messaging anxiety, feeling pressure to play a video game, and constant self-critiquing against others experiences according to verywellmind.com. I can definitely identify with the stress of being away from your smartphone. I recall one day attending an event and forgetting my smartphone. It was a strange feeling. Almost a feeling of nakedness like something was missing. Yes my cellphone was missing. It made me realize how much I depend on it. I kept reaching for it in preparation to text to only realize I did not have it. Thank goodness my husband brought me my cellphone. Even though I did not ask him to I was so happy that he did. This was a stress buster for me. My inside voice yelled, “Yes.” Then I thanked him.

I recall a relative thought she loss her cellphone at the airport. I cannot imagine the feeling, because the airport is such a large area. Also, we now carry so much information on our cellphones, bank information, credit card information, and much more. Have we become too dependent on cellphones? Have we become to reliant on cellphones for information?

3. Checking Notifications

How often are you checking your cellphone for notifications? Is it every 5 minutes? Is it every 10 minutes? Is this constant checking healthy? Are you afraid of missing something? I recall a friend stating that she carried her cellphone to bed with her just in case she would get a call. I thought to myself if it is not for work or a sick relative is it that important? Why have voicemail if you are not going to use it? I have seen those that will answer their cellphones even though they may not know who is calling? Is it that important that it cannot go to voicemail. I realize that cellphones are quite popular as oppose to pager’s now for being on call for work.

4. Pleasure Rewards

Did you know that according to marlinespike studies have concluded that the use of digital apps fire up the pleasure center of your brain and that your brain is rewarded with some much-needed endorphins when you check notifications or respond to another email in your inbox.

5. Put the Cellphone Down

Have you tried just putting the cellphone down? Have you tried not using your cellphone for a designated period of time, possibly and hour or more. The generation of this time seemingly is on the cellphone the majority of the day, but it is not just this generation. The parent’s are on the cellphone just as much as their children.

6. Exercise

Have you tried exercising and not using your cellphone during this time? Regardless to what type of exercise whether walking, jogging, or aerobics, the movement is healthy for you and can give you a break from your cellphone.

7. Screen time

Have you monitored your screen time? Do you really know how many hours you are on social media? Are you aware there are screen time apps to help you keep track of your time? You might be surprised at the amount of screen time you use. Time can go by very fast when using technology.

You know screen time is not just for children, but adults could take advantage of adjusting screen time as well. The negative effects of too much screen time can be stressful and may include poor sleep, eye strain, addiction, and muscle aches according to Henryford.com/blog. They further add that you might try turning off notifications, setting limits, making meals a screen free zone, keeping screens, including televisions out of the bedroom, tracking your time, and taking frequent breaks.

I know I have observed when out to eat at a restaurant sometimes everyone at the table is on their cellphones. Have you ever observed this? It is not just the children, but the adults as well. Using your screen time wisely is a great stress buster.

8. Screen Time Apps

Did you know that most Iphones have Screen time apps on them but you must turn the app on and you can set your limit as to how much time you want to spend on social media. Just go to your settings.  Look for screen time or type screen time in your search.  There are also other apps available such as Digital Wellbeing, IOS Screen Time, Social Fever, Freedom, Space, and much more according to digitaltrends.com.

9. Artificial Intelligence

Did you know that the reason you do not talk to a live person when calling some places is because artificial intelligence is answering many of your questions? Do you sometimes get frustrated with hearing, “push number 1 for this department or push number 4 for that department?” Sometimes this can be frustrating. This would be a good time to do some deep breathing while waiting. Why not make this time less stressful. Deep breathing is definitely a stress buster.


Do not let Technology stress you? Take Control today.


The Connection Between Technology Overuse and Stress: How to Take Control


The Hidden Stressors of Technology You Should Be Aware Of


Take a Break from Tech: The Benefits of a Digital Detox


Screen Time Limits Aren’t Just For Kids. Why Adults Need Them Too


Screen Time Limits Aren’t Just For Kids. Why Adults Need Them Too


The best screen-time apps to get your digital life under control


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Donna Reidland said...

You have made some excellent points here. I think most of us need to get a better handle on the use of our devices. It becomes all too habitual to be constantly checking messages, news, updates, etc. We miss so much genuine people time when we do.

anointedtoday said...

Donna. I know that is right. Thanks for stopping by

Jennifer Wise said...

#3 is huge! I'm a part-time teacher and I've read several studies that indicate that just the notifications and buzzing of phones alone--even if students aren't looking at their phones--puts the brain in emergency mode and affects knowledge retention. It's such an important thing for all of us to get a handle on. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #25 linkup.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Jennifer. I often see those when out whenever their cellphone rings they pick it up. I recently had my cellphone on vibrate in church and someone called. Mychoir member asked me if I was going to get it. I replied, "No, I am in church service, that is why I have voicemail." I remember the time there were no cellphones. I remember we survived also.