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Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Is a Traveling Nurse?

Traveling Nurses have become quite popular. Nurses can travel all over the world and not necessarily practice nursing in the same hospital or facility continually. The world of nursing is evolving.

Health Insurance

***Good News***

Although I have never wanted to be a nurse, I admire and have to say thank you to all the nurses and to those on the front line of the medical field. It is not an easy task. There are some that have been in nursing for years. Nurses have always been in demand especially during and after the Pandemic. I do not know if I would have wanted to be a nurse during the Pandemic, because in the beginning nurses were dying also, because there was so little known about COVID-19. This deadly infectious disease was something that everyone gradually learned about and adapted as best they could. Because so little was known about this disease there were millions of deaths all over the world young and old.

Even people of faith thought that they could continue to attend church with no consequences from COVID-19, but many were proven wrong. Church leaders died from the deadly disease and as the State shut down many church buildings shutdown. Thank God for the internet. Because of the internet many church sermons were presented online and friends and family were able to keep in touch with each other. I could not imagine what it would have been like without the internet or television.

Below is a video that has been well thought out. This young lady explains and answers many questions that you might have regarding a traveling nurse. It is just so awesome to hear this from someone that explains exactly what a traveling nurse is. She also discusses contracts of a traveling nurse as well.

Travel Nursing 101: How To Get Started? Housing, Pay & More

 1. Travel Nurse History talks about the traveling nurse emerging in the 1970’s. They talk of persistent nursing shortages in warmer southern states, such as Florida, which  drew nurses from northern states over the winter. They further add that at that time nurses had no special contracts and did not provide housing or extra wages, but that has drastically changed since then. Since the course of the Pandemic the demand for traveling nurses has accelerated.

2. Requirements

 A traveling nurse must first complete and receive either an Associate’s Degree in Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Nursing from an accredited university according to After passing a National Council Li censure Examination exams, individuals must become licensed in their state of practice and most important is experience. They further add that most travel agencies and hospitals require nurses to have a minimum of two years of nursing experience prior to applying for travel nursing contracts.

3. What Factors Impact a Traveling Nurse  

Location is one factor. States that are paying the most for travel nurses include California, Texas, Massachusetts, Washington, and New York according to They further add that specialty Nurses with highly sought-after-skills and credentials have the ability to earn more lucrative pay with seemingly endless opportunities.

4. How Much Do Travel Nurses Get Paid per Month?

That is a good question. states that as of May 11, 2023 the average monthly pay for a Travel Nurse in the United States is $8,751.00 a month. They further add that some of the top paying Cities for Traveling Nurse Jobs include Barrow, Arkansas $65.96 per hour,  San Jose, California $64.36 per hour, New York, New York $61.67 per hour, Seattle, Washington $61.39 per hour, while specialty Nurses such as Operating Room Travel Nurse receives $87.24 per hour, Oncology Travel Nurse $81.26 per hour, and Clinic Travel Nurse $73.25 an hour.  That is awesome. 

5. Hard Things About Being a Travel Nurse

There are a few hard things about being a Travel Nurse such as being away from family and friends, job searching more often, paperwork, taxes possibly in multiple states, and medical insurance which is discussed at

6. The Pros and Cons of a Traveling Nurse

The cons include always being in an unfamiliar environment, you will always be the new person, there will be varying pay rates, you may not always get the best assignments, there could be licensing issues, your contract could be cancelled, you may not have your dream schedule. This is according to They further state that the pros may include great pay, a tax-free living stipend, the chance to travel and make new friends, you will gain experience, flexibility, you choose your adventure, you will learn new skills, job security, and reimbursement. So like with any job there are always pros and cons.

7. National Nurses Weeks 2023

Did you know that there was a National Nurses week and Nurses could receive discounts. This occurred May 6-12. Yes talks about Green Chef offered ready-to-cook meals, Hello Fresh gave nurses 55% off their first box and 15% off for future orders, and Mrs. Fields discounted sweet treats for you or a nurse friend .

8. Registered Nurses

Do you want to become a registered Nurse? According to some of the top nursing jobs for Registered Nurses include Cath Lab in Alton, Illinois, $59,640 to $97,800 per year, Gastroenterology in Boston, Massachusetts $75,000 to $161,000 per year, Infusion Royal Oak, Mi $57,000to $100,000 a year, Orhopedic Med Surgical, Palm Springs, California, $76,400 to $158,520 a year, and Radiology Coordinator, Chicago, Illinois, $61,300 to $100,979 a year. So not only are nurses in specialty professions in demand as you can see the pay for them is quite lucrative.


What Is a Travel Nurse? Job Description and Salary


How to Make the Most Money as a Travel Nurse


How Much Do Travel Nurse Jobs Pay per Month?


The Hardest Things About Being a Travel Nurse


13 Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Nurse


National Nurses Week 2023 Discounts


Highest Paying States for Registered Nurses in 2023


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PaulaShort said...

Hey Betty, this is really interesting. Thank you for looking into and researching traveling nurses. I appreciate the time you take in putting informational posts together for us.
Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Paula. It is very interesting. The first time I heard about a traveling nurse was when I talked with one at a totally unrelated event. She shared the differences in certain states while traveling. I know of those that are interested in Nursing so I decided to find out a little more about it. I am so glad that I did. Thanks for stopping by.

Krisense said...

I really enjoyed this article about the challenges and rewards of Nursing Jobs. It’s always inspiring to see how much we can impact patient care. For my fellow nurses who are job hunting, check out Krisense Health, they have a fantastic selection of nursing jobs.

anointedtoday said...

Krisense thanks for stopping by.