Be Intentional Pet Bandana- Found at

Be Intentional Pet Bandana- Found at
Be Intentional Pet Bandana-Found at

Monday, December 26, 2022

Dangers of Kissing Animals on the Lips

 Do you believe in pet kissing? I know there are those that believe in kissing their pets on the lips, but do you know the dangers of doing that?


1. Your Immune System

According to highly contagious bacteria, like staphylococcus, E-coli and salmonella are potential risks, as is the contagious fungal infection, ringworm. They further add that you cannot transmit diseases to your pet by kissing them in the mouth and if your pet transfers Salmonella bacteria to you it can make you very sick. Also, I have observed that dogs tend to lick themselves in their private area. You might want to reconsider pet kissing. So when you kiss your dog in the mouth keep in mind where his or her mouth has been.

2. Kissing Your Cat

Diseases that can spread from cats to humans include Pasteurella, staphylococcus, E-coli Salmonella, Ringworm, Bartonella (cat scratch fever) and parasites such as Toxoplasmosis. This is according to


They further add to keep vaccinations up to date, avoid kissing your cat on the lips, wash your hands well after handling your cat, and keep your cat off kitchen benches and other surfaces where you handle food.

3. Infections

According to people who kiss dogs on their mouths may pick up an infection that could lead to septic shock, gangrene and limb amputation. They further add that a bacteria called Capnocytophaga lives in dogs’ saliva. Although it is a rare infection you should be aware that that particular bacteria could be transferred to you and people whom have suppressed immune system should be especially vigilant in protecting themselves.

4. Keep Your Dog Healthy

Signs of good health in your dog include healthy skin without scabs or growths, a healthy coat that is glossy and pliable, eyes that are bright and shiny, skin inside your dog’s ear should be light pink and clean, a dog’s nose should be cool and moist, and healthy gum are firm and pink according to They further add that you might want to call a Vet if your dog is vomiting, has diarrhea, constipation, persistent scratching at eyes or ears, coughing or sneezing, has increased restlessness, or is drinking excessive water.

5. Loneliness

Did you know that owning a pet can make you feel less lonely? That is according to She further adds that studies have found that pets help children with ADHD and can increase your focus and concentration when working from home.

6. Music and Your Dog

Did you know that dogs can have separation anxiety from their owner’s?  I recall I went to visit my daughter. She had 2 small dogs at the time. She left to go to the store. The dogs started whining and running back and forth to me and to the window as if to say, “Do something; where did she go?” I tried to talk to them and calm them down, but they were like in panic mode. So I have seen how anxiety can play out in animals. There was a study done that showed playing music reduces stress in dogs at animal shelters. They further added that Reggae and soft rock are the most relaxing music for dogs in shelters, and classical music also helps calm down dogs in stressful environments. That is according to Just as we have different preferences in music dogs have preferences also.

7. Benefits of a Dog Park

Did you know that talks about the following benefits of a dog park. They are as follows: Dog parks improve dog socialization, dog parks allow you to develop a better understanding of your dog, boost you dog’s physical health, promote active lifestyles, and lower your health risks.

8. Benefits of Walking Your Dog

Did you know that dog owners enjoy numerous health and social benefits by walking their dog a few times a week and the benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones. and that a regular walk is vital important for your pet’s health too. This is according to They further added to aim for 30 minute walks, five times per week, keep your dog on its leash in public areas, supervise your dog around young children, take a plastic bag or scoop to clean up your dog's poo, make sure your god is properly identified, make sure your dog is desexed, avoid walking in extreme heat, and take fresh water for you and your dog to drink.

There are other ways to show your pet affection other than pet kissing. I recently visited my daughter. She has 2 large dogs that she walks daily. I discovered that she also occasionally walks her neighbors dog. I went with her to her neighbor’s house and before she could knock on the door the dog was barking. When the dog came out she was so happy to see my daughter she fell out on the ground whimpering and held her arms and paws out as if to say (take me, take me now). My daughter responded by giving her lots of praise and rubbing her stomach. I have never seen a dog get this excited before.

I also recall when I had a toy poodle. I kept his lease on a coat rack near the door. My dog would physically get the leash off the rack and bring it to me as if to say, “I want to go walking.” He would do this often. I was amazed to see this.

9. Games and Exercises for Your Dog at Home

Rather than pet kissing talks about games that you can play with your dog such as running your dog up and down the stairs, hide and seek with treats, tug of war, and which hand game.

Photo Caption:

 Pixabay, RitaE


Is It OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?

Kissing Your Cat 

Should You Stop Kissing Your Dog on the Mouth?

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy

 7 Health Benefits of Adopting a Family Pet

 How to Use Music to Calm Your Anxious Dog

 Six Benefits of Having a Dog Park in Your Community

 Dog walking-the health benefits

 22 Indoor Activities for Dogs: Games and Exercises to Entertain Your Dog at Home.


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PaulaShort said...

Betty, great advice and information here.
Thank you for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Paula.