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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

3 of the Best Linky Sites This Year

Linky sites and Blog Parties are an excellent way to drive traffic to your blog site. How many Blog Parties do you participate in?

Create a Blog

What is A Blog Party or aka (Linky Party)?

It is a place for bloggers to share their work with other like minded people. A blog party may be videos or either written work. The first blog party I encountered was a video party. I later learned that there were not only video parties, but parties that were written. I prefer the written blog parties. Below are just a few of the best blog sites that have awesome linkups.  I linkup with about 9 Linky Parties and I engage about 11 Group Boards in Pinterest. 

1. (Rosie Oh My Heart) Wonderful Wednesday Linkup

I have been linking at this linky party since 2020. This is a very large linky site with over 200 plus bloggers linking weekly. The exposure you received from this linky site is awesome. There are 6 Hostesses and you must follow them in some way either via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. That is a must before posting any of your material to their site. You can also be added to their mailing list so that you will be notified each week when the party starts. They are also looking for bloggers to help them host their blog site. One of their main rules is that you don’t link and run. They ask that you leave a comment, like and share for the Opportunity to be Feature. You can also share the entire linky party which helps them to grow. It really is a win/win situation because your blog receives exposure too.

If you happen to get featured at the linky party that is a double bonus for you, because usually the hostesses will share your blog story to their individual sites which means more traffic for you. Truly a win/win situation for both.

2. BingawordSmith Traffic Jam

This is one of the 2nd best linky sites. I have been linking to this site since 2018. This blogging site has about 99 plus bloggers and 3 Hosts. Note that every blog party may have their own set of rules. At this linky party you may link up as many of your old posts as you like, be sure to comment on other posts and share with social media. It will generally be open for about 2-3 days. Every linky party has their own amount of days that they will stay open. Some are open for a month while others only for a few days. Once the party closes there will be a note at the end of the party saying, (This Party Has Ended). The great thing about these parties is if you miss one you can always catch the next one. I generally post 1-3 posts during a party.

3. Penny’s Passion

I have been linking with Penny’s Passion since September 2020. Her linky party lasts for about 5 days. Her requirements at this blog party is to follow all hosts on at least 1 of their social channels. I usually follow most of my blog party hosts at Pinterest since I get the majority of my traffic from Pinterest. You are invited to tweet her blog party and invite others.

4. Blog Hosting

You might want to try blog hosting.  Possibly you might decide to host a blog party on your own or Co-host with others. Should you decide to host a blog party you might want to decide whether your party will be weekly or monthly, how many days will your party continue, establish some type of rules, determine what types of post you will allow at the party, decide how many posts you will allow from a blogger at each party, display a party button for the blogger to add on their blogger page, and possibly feature the blog post that receives the most clicks. I like the featuring aspect because this is encouragement for a blogger. Also I have been featured numerous times in the past at various blog parties. This gives you even broader exposure because you are then posted on some of the sites of your host. It is really a win/win situation for all.

Note: The bigger the blog party, possibly the more exposure. You will need to experiment and find out which blog parties work best for you.

5. Blogging Passion

Do you want to create a blog? I recall knowing that I loved to write but it was not easy getting started. The first blog site that I was at for some reason kept getting hacked. So I eventually found Free Bloggers. I started reading to find out as much as I could about blogging. The main thing that I remembered was to produce as much content as possible. The content producing did not occur over night. It took time. I have learned so much along the way. My passion for writing is family and health. That is something I discovered.

Did you know that it is important to share your blog on social media? When you share it you are helping someone else. Also the person or social media that you share it with will probably share it as well with someone else. This process can boomerang and get bigger and bigger. I also discovered that blogging was therapeutic for me. Also, I have met some very nice people along the way.

I was not sure of my passion in the beginning. I had to think about what it was that I really liked to write about. Sometimes writing is a process. It just does not happen over night. I find that I am constantly learning and because of technology changing and growing so rapidly that adds to my learning. Besides the linky parties that are done on video many people are also adding podcasts which works out well for them.

6. Which Post is More Popular

You also want to pay attention to  which of your blog posts are more popular than others. Your audience will determine that, because they will let you know the one’s they like the most.

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My Blogging Story

What Is In Your DNA?


Prevent Staining In Your Children’s Teeth


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Guest Blogging:

Yes I am accepting guest bloggers. Would you like to guest blog at


Just contact me at anointedtoday@gmail.com and let me know.

Guest Blogging is another avenue for great exposure to your blog.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Slabs said...

Thank you for linking to SSPS. Much appreciated. I hope you will also benefit from participating, reading, commenting, and sharing with us weekly as you do from the others listed in your post. I truly appreciate your time and seeking out SSPS for linkup as well.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Slabs. Yes SSPS is quite interesting and I have shared several of the post there to Pinterest. Pinterest is where I get most of my traffic. Thanks for stopping by.