I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, June 13, 2020

How to Change Your Lifestyle

You do not need to wait for a catastrophic event or a health crisis before changing your lifestyle. You can have a thriving lifestyle. You can start today making changes bit by bit.

                                                          ***Today's Tips***

Have you thought that by changing your lifestyle you might be missing out on something? Possibly you have said to yourself,” I do not want to stop smoking because I will gain weight” or “I enjoy smoking because it relaxes me.” Well even though you feel it relaxes you it may be harming you as well. I recall asking several friends, “ Why do you smoke and what do you get out of it?” Their response was, “I enjoy doing it.”

Now smoking is just one habit that can be changed if you decide to do so. Smoking is just one example that I am using. I realize it is your choice to smoke if that is what you want to do. Possibly there are other lifestyle changes you want to make in your life. It can be done because you have the control to make wise choices. Now will it happen immediately maybe not but over time it probably will happen.

Whether it is a bad habit you want to change or possibly improve on healthy eating some of the suggestions that I am about to make will help you achieve the lifestyle that you want in life.

1. Change Your Way of Thinking

How you think and what you think is so very important for making change. If you think that you can’t you probably can’t. What you say to yourself is just as important as to what others say to you. This is very true, “if you keep on doing the same things, you will get the same results.” So change even though difficult may be necessary for what you hope to achieve. When your change becomes your lifestyle, over time it should not feel painful, but rather come naturally as a way of life. You will be able to do the changes naturally without giving it a second thought. Remember it takes times. Renew your mind Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.

2. Focus

Keep your eye on the prize. Remember what it is that you are attempting to change. Do not waver or become distracted from that.

3. Intentional

Base your movement on being intentional. Think about the reason that you are choosing to do something. Think about how it will affect you and others also. Develop a daily, monthly, and yearly goal. Think about what or where you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years from now. Think big. Dream big. Although I attempt to eat healthy I realize I always have room for improvement. I realize I have my guilty pleasures such as cotton candy and soda pops are things are not beneficial to me. I could go on and on about my guilty pleasures, but I won't.  I must have balance in my life. How may of you go to extremes at time? Myself is included also. Sometimes you want what you want when you want it, but is it beneficial to you.

4. Marathon vs Sprint

Remember it may take time to change. Find those mini habits that are good. All habits are not bad. Think about a marathon vs a sprint. Change takes times and it occurs over time.

5. Are you Consistent

Never give up, but be constant with your endeavor. You may fall down, but get back up. Some people may take longer to achieve their goal, but that is okay. Some people might get there faster than you, but that is okay too. Some days you may just need to rest or take a break, but stay consistent.

6. Help

Sometimes you are not able to do it by yourself. There is no shame in seeking help. Seek the help and advice of others that have gone through what it is you are tying to change. What better way than to learn from someone that has actual experience in what you may be going though. If you feel professional help is needed, there is nothing wrong with getting that help. The problem comes when you neglect to seek help knowing that you need help. There are so many available who what to help others. There are those that want to see the best for you. There are those that want you to succeed God wants you to succeed. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “

7. Education

Become educated regarding what you want to change. There is so much self-help today on the internet. There is utube “how to,” podcasts, and much more. Knowledge really is power. Your knowledge that you receive is for you. I believe you never arrive, because there is always room for improvement. What was new yesterday may become old and of no use today. Although you may know a lot, you can always learn more. You are never to old to learn as long as you have breath. You can always learn something new everyday.

8. Support

There is no shame in seeking support. Have a group or someone that can be support for you. There may be times you are questioning the direction you have taken, there is nothing wrong in seeking the support of trusted friends that can assure you or possibly tell you the truth even though you may not want to here it. When you can find a friend s or friends that you can trust in that way, then you have found faithful friends. Faithful friends are not always easy to find.

Have Faith and know that you can change your lifestyle.


Romans 12:2

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MM said...

Thank you for this post.Great post.This post is very intresting.Thank you.
diëtist Zaandam

MM said...

Thank you for this post.Great post.This post is very intresting.Thank you.
diëtist Zaandam

Down The Hobbit Hole Blog said...

I have started saying "Your thoughts matter, your gifts matter" every morning and it has really made a difference in how I'm changing things. Greatlist!

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Down The Hobbit.

anointedtoday said...

You are more than welcom dietist Zaandam

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome. Come back again.