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I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Black Tea Versus Green Tea

Although I never considered the differences in black tea, green tea, or orange pekoe tea, I discovered that I do like black tea sometimes called breakfast tea.
Black Tea with Lemon
On one occasion when I was at breakfast, the restaurant did not have any orange pekoe tea, so I tried the black tea and discovered I could not tell a great difference between the two.
Note: Did you know that some waitresses are not aware as to whether the restaurant where they are working serves black tea which is 100% natural?
1. Antioxidants
I have often heard that black and green tea was good for you, but I never really knew why. Did you know that Green and black teas have 10 times the amount of antioxidants that fruits and vegetables have? This is according to Web M.D.
So possibly instead of having that morning cup of coffee, you might want to have a morning cup of tea. Web MD further states that both green and black tea come from the same plant called Camellia sinensis.

2. Differences Between black and green tea.
Green tea leaves are fermented and do not go through the process that black tea does, green tea leaves contain ¼ the caffeine that coffee does, black tea contains 1/3 the amount of caffeine that coffee does, and black tea is more acidic. These are a few of the differences according to times of india.com
3. Black Tea
Black tea contributes to over 90% of the tea sold in the West, according to healthdairies.com. Among some of the health benefits of black tea are cancer prevention, skin and hair health, digestive tract function, brain and nervous system, and the immune system. I remember someone commenting to me about how clear my skin was. Although, I did not think about it at the time, that is something I may had taken for granted. I do drink tea as opposed to drinking coffee.
4. Green Tea
Green teas have basically some of the same health benefits as black tea. It has been shown that routine Green tea consumption for over 10 years is associated with decreasing osteoporosis fractures according to Fitsday.com They further add that this may be a breakthrough for the elderly, since it has been shown that they are more prone to fractures when they fall.
Jill Corleone at Livestrong.com mentions that Green Tea may help fight off cavities and the flu in children, but to be sure to consult your children's pediatrician before giving them green tea. They further added that the catechins in Green tea may protect your child from the flu according to a study done in 2011 by the Journal of Nutrition.
5. Fluoride Content
Black and Green Tea are good for healthy bones and teeth, but black tea gives you more fluoride per serving than Green Tea according to livestrong.com. Sylvie further adds that fluoride hardens your teeth as well as prevents cavities. I have become a believer of black tea. I do drink it and I like it.


Which is better? I believe that would be a personal opinion as to which is better for you. You need to try them and decide. Although I know both are good for you my personal preference is the black tea. I just really like it. Also Lipton and Earl Grey have excellent black teas.
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Unknown said...

Personally, I love both green and black tea. They're the only kinds of tea I drink! I usually have black tea to take a break from the green, but it's wonderful to know it also has a lot health benefits. I'll be tweeting this. Greetings from the Inspire Me Monday Linky!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Fabiola.