I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Does Your Child Have Allergies?

Basically there are a variety of things that children can be allergic to. Once children have been diagnosed, it is important to protect your children as much as possible. Children allergies can be quite severe if they have an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction might be swelling of the face, eyes, and head, some impaired breathing, hives, and skin itching.
allergic reaction

1. Where to Inject Epipen. . . How to Dispose of an Epipen

The epipen usually requires a written prescription from your doctor. The epipen is a small hypodermic needle with medication already in the instrument for emergency purposes.  Do you know where to inject your child with the Epipen if your child were to have a reaction? According to Epipen.com., it is preferable to auto-inject to the anterolateral aspect of the thigh and not to the buttocks, digit hands, or feet, because of possible medical conditions that could cause a reaction. They further suggest if you have an epipen that has not been used and the expiration date has expired you should take it to a healthcare professional or hospital facility for proper disposal.

2. Types of Allergies

For the child that has food allergies, it is important to read the labels of certain canned foods. Be careful about going out to eat. For example, a child with peanut allergies might suffer from eating Chinese food, because some of the Chinese food is cooked in peanut oil. If there is pollen, dust, and mold allergies it is vital that children take the medicine that the doctor has prescribed or suggested. During pollen season it is hard to avoid not breathing the pollen. If the medication tends to make your child drowsy, you might want to administer it at night, this will all depend on the severity of the allergy and doctor recommendations. It is definitely important to dust the house and vacuum often. Keep the floors clean and keep the bedding clean as well. I have observed that many schools have become vigilant about taking steps to note about taking precautions to not have foods that contain peanuts, especially when celebrating a child's birthday. I know of one principal that promoted celebrating children's birthdays in the the gym with physical activities as oppose to bringing cakes or cupcakes to the school. The physical activities also promote good health.

3. Communication

Talk to your children about the allergies. Do it with love. Let children know why they are not allowed to eat certain foods. Especially if they have had an allergic reaction in the past. Explain why you do not want that to happen again. Children are very perceptive. 

4. Compile or Copy a List

Keep a list of all the things that your child is allergic to and keep that list with any medication, and epipen in a container to accompany your child wherever your child may go, whether it is over a relative’s house, to church, or even to the store. 

5. School

Make sure that your child's school has a copy of the allergy list. Make sure that your child's teacher is aware of the allergies, especially food allergies. 

6. Enabling

Finally, your child may have allergies, but your child is not an invalid. Let children know you love and care for them, but do not feel sorry for them and give them special privileges that you would not give your other children that are allergy free. That will only enable your child.

What do you do to protect your child that has allergies?

Photo Caption:
Commons Wikimedia.org.,Dan4th Nicholas from Cambridge, MA,USA,
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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Carlie Lake said...

Very helpful video! Thanks for sharing, Betty!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Carlie. Glad it helped you.