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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Friday, June 5, 2015

How Young Is Too Young. . . . . . To spend the night over Grandparents?

I personally have kept my grandchildren overnight ever since they came home from the hospital at least twice a week. It was rough at first, because I forgot about the nightly feedings and I was used to sleeping through the night. I did not start out keeping all of them overnight, for those of you that have several grandchildren. I started with one on one night, and then there were twin babies that I kept on another night. I recall feeding the twins at the same time, a bottle in each of their mouths. After they were sleeping through the night and a little older, I could get all three at a time. Therefore, a lot depends on what the grandparents can handle. The grandchildren love it and look forward to staying over.

Morguefile, by: anitapatterson

In addition, this gives their parents a break from their children, especially if their mom is a stay at home mom. Since the twins were born slightly early, I would take turns with their parents going to the hospital daily to feed, hold, and just talk to them. Therefore, we had a special bond before they even came home from the hospital.

Now there will be exceptions to a baby staying overnight at the grandparents. These are when grandparents have certain illnesses. I recall my girlfriend had a stroke. She had the one grandbaby. She shared she did not see her too often, nor kept her overnight. I asked her why. She feared she might have a recurring stroke. She also shared her memory was not as great. She did not want to take a chance of being alone with her grandbaby, especially when she had no one else helping her. In addition, another exception might be that the grandparents are still working and working long hours. I must acknowledge not all grandparents are old and retired. Many people opt to work as long as they are able. If they are working very long hours, they are just too tired to deal with a baby. This does not mean that they do not love that grandchild.

This book below offers great ideas for grandparents that are a long distance from their grandchildren

I recall my daughter going over to her grandparents soon after coming home from the hospital. They would keep her the entire weekend from Friday to Sunday. My child grew to look forward to that time together with her grandparents.

Grandchildren remember the good experiences with their grandparents. In fact, my grandson who will be turning 10-years-old has said to me, “Granny, when I become President of the United States, I am going to move you in with me, so you can take care of my children.” I thought, “How sweet.”

According to Hubpages, Mary Pipher, clinical physiologist and author of the New York Times bestseller Reviving Ophelia, believes kids need to spend more time with the grandparents. In addition, there is no right age to send the child to the grandparents for a sleepover. What are your thoughts? Is there an age that is too young for grandchildren to sleep over their grandparents?


The New Grandmother Rules: Sleepover at Grandma’sJuly 18, 2012,

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amominneedofadvice said...

You are a GREAT grandmother! We let our little boy go stay up to two weeks with his Nana and Papa. They love it! He loves it! We miss him, but the trade off is better. Because they are so far away, he doesn't get to see them very often and it's a great time for him to build that relationship. I think it's super important. Love this post! #mommymoments

Michelle said...

As a grandmother of two, they have been spending the night with us since they were born. Or at least after nursing. I think the earlier it is established the better for the child to get use to being away from home. Thanks for sharing on Tuesday Talk this week.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Michelle.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks amonminneedofadvice. Good for you too.