Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Be Kind Glossy Sticker
Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

10 Valentine’s Day Ideas For You and Your Child

Girl Holding Valentine

1. Travel.

Travel to another county or state. That is one of the best ways to build character. Check with your travel agency and find some great travel tour packages.

2. Valentine Basket.

Make a basket of things that your child likes. This could include, crayons, coloring books, handheld games, or even ipods. Another idea is for your and your child to make a basket together to give to a relative. Want to make a basket but you have no ideas. See the video below for great ideas to make your next Valentine’s basket. Make a basket for mom, grandmother, auntie, or another favorite relative.

3. Cell phone.

Many children already have this, but it is a great way to monitor and check on your child when he/she is away from you. Make sure your child knows that there are parental restraints and that there are consequences for misuse of his/her phone.

4. Ask.

Ask your child during regular conversation, if he/she could do anything that they wanted to do within reason, what would it be?


You and your child can sit and make a valentine card together to give to your husband, grandparent, or other relative. You and your toddler might want to write a poem together.

6. Visit a Farm or a Ranch

Visit a farm or a ranch where the animals roam free (deer, squirrels, goats, ducks, etc.). Your child will be able to feed the caged animals. If your toddler loves animals this would be perfect. Below is a site at a ranch that has everything I just talked about. It is also not expensive for you and your toddler.

7. Ice Capades.

Below is a video of an Ice Capades. If You have never been, it is truly a site to see.

8. Car Races

For the child that is interested in the play cars, why not go to an actual car race?

9. Indoor Picnic.

Instead of the traditional outdoor picnic, why not plan an indoor picnic. Be creative and different.

10. Ice Skating and/or indoor skating.

Mom/dad if you have never been, why not start now. Take your child skating. It does not matter that you do not know how. Some places, some days will allow parents on the floor without skates to help their smaller children skate. Skating is fun and very good exercise.


I welcome your comments and your views. What do you think of the Valentine suggestions that I listed above?


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