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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Thursday, December 24, 2009

How To Talk To Your Child About Funerals

We are not going to live forever. So it is important to explain to your child that we are here for a short time in life, and then we move on.

Funeral Director Closing The Door Of A Hearse

1. Types of Funerals.

Let your child know there are different types of funerals, depending on people's faith, beliefs and what they can afford. For example, I went to a funeral where the mom resided and did the eulogy of her deceased child. She did a very good job. She talked about her child in such a way that I could picture this child that I never knew. I have gone to a funeral where the only comments to be made would be from 3 family members. There are military funerals for persons that have been in the military. Sometimes there are funerals where the caskets are opened and others where the caskets may be closed because of autopsies that were performed, a person was badly burned, or various other reasons.

2. Homegoing Funeral.

It is my belief that funerals of those that are saved are considered a homegoing. Going home to be with the Lord. Most of the homegoing funerals that I have attended have been joyous and upbeat rather than sad and dreary. The reasoning is because my belief as a Christian is that the deceased person has just left their physical body and has passed on from life unto another life which is with Jesus. Some funerals you may see videos and/or pictures of the deceased with family and friends. There will be those that talk about the deceased sometimes in humorous ways remembering the good times that they had, which gives you a glimpse of what that person was like and how that person was loved by others.

3. Grieving.

Explain to your child when there is a lost, there is a grieving process. You might compare it to if your child had a best friend that moved away. It might be compared to the sadness that was felt or compare it to if your child lost a pet to death. Explain that people grieve in different ways. Some cry or get angry and there are different stages of grief.

4. Fighting and arguing.

Sometimes fighting and arguing may occur at a funeral, because emotions run high. If your child happens to witness this at a funeral, explain to your child that when people experience a loss such as this, they can become very emotional and upset. Is it right to fight and argue? No. But this does happen.

5. Answer Questions.

Ask your child if he/she has questions. Attempt to answer your child’s questions honestly.

Below is part of a funeral where the wife talks about what her husband meant to her.

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