Be Intentional Pet Bandana- Found at

Be Intentional Pet Bandana- Found at
Be Intentional Pet Bandana-Found at

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to make money from Consignment Shops

How to make money or purchase great deals from consignment shops. I have done it. It has been a great experience for me. I shop regularly at consignments. I love going to the web site and seeing my items that have been sold.

1. Find a consignment shop in your state by visiting resale

2. Take the items you want to sell to the shop. The shop will need your name, phone number, address, and you will be asked if you want the items back if they do not sell. If you do not want them back, they will be donated to a charity of the consignments choice.

3. The consignment shop will explain that there is a 50/50 or a 60/40 split of the money from the sale.

4. Then you sit back and wait for the item to sell. Some consignments have web sites so you may check when your item sold and the amount of money that you made.

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