I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Importance of Communication

How are your communication skills? Could you use some improvements? Did you know that everyone is not an effective communicator?

Think About This. . .


1. Effective Communication

According to coursera.org., communication occurs in many forms, including verbal and non-verbal, written, visual, and listening. They further add that effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thought, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose; and when communication is done effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied.

2. History of Communication

Did you know that the use of technology in communication may be considered since the first use of symbols about 30,000 years BCE (before the Christ Era). En.wikipedia.org., further states that among symbols used, were cave painting, hieroglyphs, pictograms and ideograms.

3. Father’s Bonding Skin-to Skin

Healthpartner’s.com talks about father’s and mother’s bonding with their baby with skin to skin contact. They further add that this natural ability provides tons of other benefits for baby, including improved mental development, reduced stress and possibly a lowered risk of obesity in the future.

This also reminds me of the skin the skin contact that I felt when nursing my babies. Most times my baby would rest her hand on my breast as she nursed. She seemed like she was in seventh heaven.  

Another reminder was when I would come home from the store. My husband would be asleep on the floor with our baby sound asleep on his chest. I now realize the importance of that skin-to-skin contact.

4. Communicating to your baby in the womb

Did you know that around 14 weeks your baby can hear your voice? Yes, fertilitycenterlv.com mentioned this. They further added that this can be a time for the entire family to talk to the baby, which will allow the baby to hear another voice other than the mother’s voice. I have mentioned this before, that when my daughter was having twins she expressed to me that whenever I was around and I talked the twins would kick and move around a lot. So communication starts in the womb.

5. Mom’s Cells and Baby’s Cells Communicate During Pregnancy

There was a study done and it was discovered that throughout pregnancy there is constant communication between maternal and fetal cells using sacs filled with chemicals called exosome. The study went on further to show that baby’s exosomes signal to a mother’s body that baby’s organs have fully matured, thus triggering the labor and delivery process. This is talked about at thebump.com. I can see why although doctor’s may not know the exact date a baby might be due that they attempt to come as close as possible with their predictions.

I recall one of my pregnancies I went into the hospital and I was only dilated to 1. Within a matter of 20 minutes I told the nurse the baby is coming. She said, “I just checked you I doubt that.” Sure enough her response was, “Your right the baby is coming.”

6. Older Forms of Communication

Drums and smoke were a form of communication by signaling neighboring tribes and groups. Drums would signal upcoming events. This is mentioned at sahistory.org.

7. Daily Communication

Studybay.com lists 5 books to help you develop good communication skills.

They are as follows:

Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a time by Keith Ferrazzi

How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes

On Becoming Fearless. . . in Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life by Mark Goulston

8. How Good Are Your Communication Skills?

I discovered this quiz about your communication skills at mindtools.com. I did take the quiz which was only 15 questions. You might want to try it for yourself. Out of a score of 36:55 I scored 54. I found it to be quite interesting. They further added that whenever you communicate with someone else, you each follow the steps of source-planning your message, coding-creating a clear, well-crafted message, choosing the Right Channel, Decoding-Receiving and Interpreting a Message, and Feedback.

9. How Unborn Babies Communicate with their Mother

The video below talks about how messages from the placenta come in the forms of vesicles carrying proteins, lips, and nucleic acids. They carry proteins on the outside and inside, and genetic material on the inside.

 How Do Unborn Babies Communicate


10. How communication in the Workplace Changed

Did you know that communication in the workplace has changed? When the world was on lockdown from the COVID-19, there was a change in the workplace. Inside and outside of work you had to find new ways to hold meetings such as using Zoom (a cloud-based platform that allows users to connect with each other virtually through video, audio, chat, and screen sharing). COVID-19 changed the climate significantly in the workplace. The payroll department found themselves in the forefront of managing a crisis. Cipp.org.,uk talks about this.

I believe after the Pandemic there were those that preferred working from home and those that were able to did so. I know during the Pandemic some of my grandchildren did schoolwork from home and after the schools reopened several of my grandchildren never went back to physical school, but continued remote learning and graduated high school through remote learning.

With the number of mass shootings I suspect children do not feel safe in school. I believe that this is a great issue. Also because of the large numbers of mass shootings effective communication should be on the forefront in order to protect the children and the teachers in the school. Communication is very important in our lives today, especially effective communication.


What Is Effective Communication? Skills for Work, School, and Life


History of Communication

Father Baby-Bonding


The Importance of Talking to Your Baby in the Womb


Mom’s and Baby’s Cells Communicate During Pregnancy


The Oldest Forms of Human Communication


Importance of Communication in Daily Life


How Good Are Your Communication Skills?


The Importance of Communication


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Jennifer Wise said...

I didn't know about mom's and baby's cells communicating during pregnancy. That's fascinating! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #46 linkup! We hope to see you sharing more posts, old or new, at linkup #47 when it opens Monday morning. Have a great weekend.

anointedtoday said...

Jennifer I learned something new also.