I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, October 1, 2021

Bloggers Meet and Greet October -The Bible (The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)

At today’s meet and greet I will discuss bible verses. Are you aware that God did not leave those that are saved on this earth without basic instructions of how to survive on this earth? Even though the saved that are not of this earth, the saved are still here on this earth.


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***Good News***

1. The Bible

I believe the bible is inspired by God and God’s word brings us good news, There is so much to be learned from scripture and equally important to memorize scripture.

2. Calling on God

How often have you heard people say, “Oh My God?” Are they really thinking at the time when they are saying this? There are those that may call on God in times of distress, but what about thanking God when things are going well. I recall talking with one of my children. She shared she had a vision board and she gave all the credit to God saying he had given her just about everything on her vision board so much earlier than she had anticipated. She was humble and thankful. I thought to myself, “ That is a grateful way to be. I am sure God loves to hear praises when things are going well. This made me think of Philippians 4:19 And My God shall supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.  I could not agree more. 

3. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."   How often do you hear others tearing others down when in reality they should be building them up (edifying) them. If you look hard enough you can find good in people. Building others up helps to give them strength that they probably did not know they had. How many times have you been feeling down and then became uplifted because someone encouraged you when you least expected it. There are so many promises and uplifting scriptures in the bible that I could just go on and on and still could not tell it all. 

4. Filling Up

Do you sometimes feel empty and drained? You can’t give what you don’t have. Just as you eat physical food daily to nourish your body. God’s words can fill you up spiritually on a daily basis. I am thankful for being able to memorize scripture so that as I go through my day the holy spirit will bring it to my remembrance when needed.

5. Music and Lyrics

Although music can be uplifting spiritual music can be equally or even more uplifting because many of the lyrics are from the word of God. When I heard over the news according to CBS that R. Kelly had been convicted on all counts in sex trafficking cases, I realized that the court had found him guilty. Now as I listened to people call into a radio station there were those that stated they would never listen to R. Kelly’s music again and then others that stated they definitely would. One thing to remember is when you read a book or even listen to music that is from that author’s view. Also, it was made clear that most of his songs that he actually sung outlined some of the things that he had been convicted for.  So even though the music may have sounded good the lyrics could be very deceiving. My question is why would you want to continue listening to it? Words are so very important. God gave us free will so unfortunately there will be those that will continue to listen to it. Many music artists today sing about realities that have happened in their life. So it is important to be careful what is aloud into your spirit, but then again you have the free will to do so.

6. Hebrews 13:5

"I Will Never Leave thee, nor forsake thee." I cannot count the number of times that I have repeated this scripture. I like it because there may be numerous times that you may feel alone or misunderstood, but this scripture let’s you know you are never alone even in the midst of a storm.

7. God’ word

There may be times you do not know what to say to someone in a given situation, you can always speak God’s word and be reassured that they are God’s words not yours. I recall in the past taking one of my children up for prayer. Amazingly it was as though the Pastor knew exactly what to say. God gave him the words to say what I needed to hear. We are all bound together and connected in some way or another. We need to know and realize that.

8. John 4:8

There is no fear in love. “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 2 Timothy 1:7 God has not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. You made be emotional and feel different at emotions at different times such as happiness, distress or fear, but just because you feel it does not mean that you have to adhere to the distress or fear. Scripture is so important to the mind and to the body as well. Regardless to what it looks like you can still be encouraged and uplifted by God’s word.  

9. 2nd Corinthians 5:7

We walk by faith, not by sight. This scripture is so true. How many times have things appeared one way, but you kept walking in faith to discover that it was not what you saw and thought it to be? You can not always trust what your eyes see or what things may appear to be, but you can trust in God’s word. What are your thoughts on Bible scripture?


R.Kelly found guilty of all charges in racketeering and sex traffickingtrial


Photo Caption: Pixabay/Lilly Cantabile

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