I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Youth and Church

Youth Camp, Morguefile, by Taliesin

According to the Gospel Coalition.Org many youth are restless, insecure, jaded, and desperately searching for meaning to explain all the hurt and suffering that they see around them. I can identify with that, because I remember many times as a youth I would ask the question, “God why?” They further state that the youth of today need the Gospel of Christ Jesus. I agree.

The Barna group lists one of the reason that young Christians leave the church is that 31% view the church as boring. I recall one of my children stating, “I don’t understand what that man is talking about.” She was referring to the pastor. I have also heard some children say, “Church is for the adults, there is nothing there for us.” That is definitely the wrong attitude to have, even though they state that is their feelings.

Dr. Ken Matto stated that we should treat their minds as human sponges. They will either absorb God’s truth or absorb satan’s lies. He further states children must be taught at home. They need to see that God is real. A friend shared with me that she overslept one morning on a school day. She shared that her son heard her alarm ringing. He came in and woke her up. She told him thank you. He replied, “Don’t thank me; thank Jesus!” I thought, “Out of the mouths of babes!” It is great when you can see children imitating Christ-like behavior.

I recall as a child the pastor of my church passed away. When this occurred, the youth felt a great loss. There was even talk of leaving the church. One of the deacons talked to us and told us everything would be okay, because God would send the church another pastor. In an effort to keep the young people together at my church he initiated various activities for us to attend. I recall we all went over one of my friend’s house,shot pool, and had fun socializing. The activities did keep us there and gave us hope too. Some activities to encourage youth in your church may include a class about manners, a play, oratorical contest, a Health Fair, a Family Day, Scrapbooking night, or even Bingo. I recall a child telling me that they played Bingo in Sunday school. She was really excited when she talked about it too. What activities are your youth involved in at your church?




How Can We Keep the Youth in Our Churches?

More from this author:

Be a Healthy Example for Your Kids

How to Encourage Boys to Write

How To Talk To Your Child About the Supernatural

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