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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ways to Encourage Kindergarten Boys to Read

First of all you need to find out what are their interests. Some boys in kindergarten like soccer, kickball, karate, or comics. When you discover your kindergartners unique likes, you can then go to the library, online, or purchase those types of book. It is very encouraging to take your kindergartner to the library and allow him or her to browse in that area, and then he can pick out the books that he likes. 

Reading Strategies

Reading can be such more fun, when reading about something that is of interest to you. I have also found that leaving books everywhere throughout the house is encouraging too. I leave books on the kitchen table, in the bathroom, front room, and nearly everywhere. I really encourage reading of books while sitting on the toilet for any length of time. Don’t forget keeping books in the car while you are traveling to the store, school, or church.

According to, it is encouraging to kindergartners when you offer to read often, even several times a day.

I have observed that children will pick out a variety of books. They really seem to like the book Ten Little ladybugs. One kindergartner picked that book out. I found out that I even liked it, because it included math in the book and the colors on the lady bug were raised on the book and felt smooth like a marble. Books like those give children a hand on approach to reading as well.

I have found very good reading books for kindergartners at the dollar store. I especially like the biblical books and books that are in hard cover. These are great to preschoolers and younger.

According to Annie Murphy Paul, a study by the National Academies of Science, reported that extra-large spacing between letters on an E-Kindle easy reader allowed a group of dyslexic children to read text faster and with fewer than half as many errors. I think this is just awesome. Be sure to do something every day to encourage your kindergartner to read.


The First Step in Teaching Children to Read is to Encourage Reading, Can E-Readers Ease Reading for Dyslexics? Annie Murphy Paul, June 29, 2012

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