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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Should Schools and Churches Have Nut-Free Environments?

Do you have a child or know someone that has peanut allergies? Have you seen someone that has had an allergic reaction? It is not a pleasant sight. Should schools and churches have nut-free environments?

Did you know that peanut allergies are serious? Did you know that peanut allergies account for 90% of those suffered by 21 million Americans?

Morguefile, Jif Peanut Butter, by ronnieb

A 7-year-old in Chesterfield County, VA. ate a peanut given to her by a friend on the school playground. The 7-year-old died as a result. That school did not carry Epi-pens (Epinephrine injections) which neutralize anaphylactic shock. This peanut issue causes the Kozar family to move to the South Bay seeking a safer school setting. The cafeteria in the new school is completely nut-free.

Children’s Health and Allergy ID Weistbands

I have also observed that there are schools that are completely nut free too. Some schools celebrate children's birthdays with physical education games instead of bringing cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. Should schools be more vigilant in fostering a nut-free environment?

Some churches events do not include nut-free foods. Instead it rests upon the parent to check the food which may or may not be nut free. This same attitude I have observed in some schools also.

I even recall one school that would have snacks for Parent teacher’s events and included items with nuts in it even though they had students in the class that had peanut allergies. Again, I ask, “Should Schools and churches have nut-free environments?”

Parents that have children allergic to peanuts become more vigilant about reading labels. Some machines that produce peanut products also produce non-peanut products. Therefore, it is important to read the labels.

When I first discovered my grandson was allergic to peanuts, was after he had eaten a cashew nut. He had never had any and he wanted to see how they tasted. He started having a reaction. He complained that his tongue felt funny. He did not feel well. My daughter said he might be having an allergic reaction and we rushed him to the hospital.

During the emergency visit his breathing was impaired. His eyes and head were swelling. He did not even look like himself. Well that was an experience that I hope he never haves to endure again. After this he was tested and sure enough he not only had peanut allergies, but a list of many other allergies, including allergies to dog hair. We now make sure we carry an Epipen with us for emergencies. In addition, an Epipen is with his school now so if there is an incident the nurse can administer it. Peanut allergies are serious. Children die from peanut allergic reactions. I just wish that more schools and churches would have a nut-free environment. What do you think?

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Peanut Allergy Statistics

Severe peanut allergy prompts family to abandon LAUSD for Palos Verdes Peninsula schools

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Unknown said...

Hi Betty,
This post is certainly food for serious thought! I knew that peanut allergies were common but I did not realize that they account for 90% of those suffered by 21 million Americans?Thank you so much for sharing your thought-provoking post on the dangers of peanut allergies with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Deborah. I have seen some treat peanut allergies lightly and they should not. I have seen how badly a reaction from the allergy can look. It is not pleasant and can be deadly.