I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

20- Day Gratitude Challenge

Can You practice gratitude? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Are you in the habit of showing gratefulness to others, regardless how small an act or service may be performed? It might be a good idea to consider being grateful and showing this to others.


Whether you are in the habit of showing gratitude my challenge to you is to show gratitude to someone on a daily basis for 20 days. This possibly can become a good habit that you might not want to start. I will start by saying I am grateful for you taking the time to read my article and that I do appreciate you.

1. Multiple Ways of Gratitude

Everyone is different. Everyone has their own way of expressing gratitude. What ways do you express gratitude? Several ways of expressing gratitude may include writing a letter to someone, telling someone how much you appreciate them, thanking someone, or even thanking God. I recall my Pastor suggested in Sunday School that we write a letter to 8 people that have helped us and tell them how they helped us and thanking them for it. That was an interesting assignment. Out of the 8 people I chose my pastor as one of them. He also had told us others may have had an impact on our lives, but they might not know it unless we tell them and let them know.

Although you may have your basic needs such as food, water, clothing, and shelter for believers it is important to thank God for this, because as you look over the world there are those that do not have this.

I recall hearing a quote, “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” That is something that I have thought about often. So many times I have heard others say, “If I only had the money that he has.” Why not be grateful for what you do have?

2. Gratitude Journal

I recall I won a gratitude journal online. The great thing about this journal is that I would write the things that I was grateful for and then pass it on to someone else. I did just that. I don not know where the journal is now, but I did pass it one to another friend. I hope that each person wrote something they were grateful for and passed it on to someone else.

Examples of Gratitude may include being thankful for health, being thankful for mentors in your life, writing in a gratitude journal,

3. Magic Words

Has anyone ever told you, “I appreciate you.”? I recall someone telling me that. Those 3 words are so profound. Just the way that they make you feel when they are sincerely said to you. The feeling that you feel when someone shows they appreciate you is so good for your health. When you feel appreciated it makes you want to do more. It empowers you.

I recall standing in a long line for an event. You know people get upset if someone jumps in front of you in line. Well this lady ahead of me looked at me and said, “ I want to let (blank blank) get right here. He is such a kind person.” Now the man she spoke of walked with a walker very slow. He was appreciative and thanked her. No one else in the line got mad or upset. I thought that was very nice of her to make that gesture because people tend to get upset if someone gets in line ahead of them after they have already been waiting for some length of time.

5. Gratitude Works

According to positivepsychology.com gratitude is a selfless act that is done unconditionally to show someone they are appreciated, reminding them of their value, and expressing gratitude for their existence. They further add that you are not asking for something in return. I have never really thought about it like that. That does make sense though.

6. Water

I am grateful for water. Although water is a basic need, I believe that is something we may sometimes take for granted. After our water in Flint, Michigan was poisoned I realized how important water is.   Our bodies are made up mostly of water so water is a necessity. I am thankful for bottled water which was the next best thing after our water was poisoned.

7. Air

Although the air we breath is not perfect, I am thankful to be able to breath the air. I think of many that were on ventilators because of COVID-19. I think of those that still have breathing problems after COVID-19. I recall a friend that had congestive heart failure. She would have trouble breathing when fluid collected on around her lungs. As I watched her wheeze for air, I could not imagine what that must have felt like. Sometimes we take breathing for granted.

8. Peace of Mind

I am thankful for memory. I have seen alzheimer and dementia patient’s. It is not pleasant. Sometimes they may remember you then within 5 minutes may forget who you are. I first dealt with alheizmer with my mother-in-law. I watched as it progressed because there are several stages. As it progressed she sometimes would remember me then other times had no clue as to who I was. Sometimes it progresses fast and sometimes slower in individuals. Everyone is different. I know of a colleague experiencing memory lost now. She will often ask me, “What is that person’s name?” I will tell her patiently. She is aware that she is not remembering and she is progressing in age. I try to always be patient with her, because it could have been me. The brain is so vital to our body. I now understand why it is so important to keep the body moving and in motion. I am thankful for that knowledge, because many people do not know that or even understand the importance to keep moving no matter what.

Now what are you grateful for? I dare you to take the 20-day gratitude challenge.


What is Gratitude and Why Is It So Important?


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Lisa@fluxingwell.com said...

It’s so important to show gratitude to others. Thanks for posting this gratitude challenge. I’m going to get going on it right now.

The Military Traveler said...

A gratitude challenge is a great idea. It doesn’t cost you anything but has many benefits. Thanks.

anointedtoday said...

I agree Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Military Traveler. I agree the benefits are awesome.