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Thursday, March 4, 2021

10 Reasons the Bible is the Best Educational Material

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Let’s discover more about the Bible.

Title: 10 Reasons the Bible is the Best Educational Material

Learning is fun. Or it’s supposed to be fun at the very least. Isn’t it?

Gone are the days when education has to be dragging and lifeless. With the advent of technology, the educational landscape has already been revolutionizing, bit by bit, somehow. E-learning and mobile learning has been the trend for most educational settings.

E-learning is learning conducted utilizing electronic materials, typically on the internet, while mobile learning is any learning activity that uses a mobile device--usually a smartphone.

Nowadays, the church is now shifting through these kinds of methods to entice children and parents alike to read the Bible. Bible games in mobile applications are currently being developed to cater to this rapidly-growing technological era's needs.

Since education must be a collaborative effort by the home, school, and church, it is vital to educate children in the wisdom of the Lord through reading the Scriptures. Thus, this article will delve into the ten reasons the Bible is the best educational material out there!

      1. It covers a broad array of topics.

The Bible covers a broad array of topics, whether in practical living or history, business, economics, literature, science, mathematics, etc. 

For example:

  1. World History

The Bible teaches us world history as prophesied in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the Babylonian King responsible for constructing the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world).

  1. Business & Economics

Proverbs is rich with economic topics like when Solomon said, “Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty” (Proverbs 12:11). And “wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it” (Proverbs 13:11).

  1. Literature

The Bible is rich in literature. It comprises prose, poetry, figurative languages, etc. Amazingly, the 66 books in the Bible were written by authors from all walks of life. And yet, the cohesion of one book to another is undeniable.

  1. Science

Although men of science have tried to prove that the Bible is a myth, many Biblical accounts support science and vice versa. For example, The earth is suspended in space (Job 26:7). 

Also, sanitary and dietary laws like washing after touching a dead body (Numbers 19:11), quarantining those with infectious disease (Leviticus 13: 45-46), and the consumption of clean and unclean animals (Leviticus 11) are scientifically recommended until today’s time.

  1. Mathematics

In the Bible, when the Lord uses mathematics, a miracle happens. For example, when Gideon was asked to subtract his soldiers up to 300 men, they won a battle (Judges 7). When Elisha told the widow to gather her jars for oil, it multiplied to fill all the jars the woman collected from her neighbors (2 Kings 4:1-7). 

There are more complicated equations like the unique numerical patterns in nature. The various periods of gestation in creatures are commonly a multiple of seven, either of days or weeks.


  • The mouse is 21 (3x7) days

  • The hare and rat, 28 (4x7) days

  • The cat, 56 (8x7) days

  • The dog, 63 (9x7) days

  • The lion, 98 (14x7) days

  • The sheep, 147 (21x7) days

  • The human, 280 (40x7) days

        2. It sets clear standards in life.

In a society that advocates for self as the standard for morals, the Bible gives us the perfect measure in life. It gives us principles about health, business, human relations-- all are beneficial for us to live peaceably and abundantly.

        3. It promotes experiential learning.

Head-leveled faith is not true faith. One must experience his faith for him to understand the Bible’s lessons truly. Although we do not subscribe to the notion that to see is to believe, we know that faith is real. And that there are many things that we can learn about faith by experience.

        4. It is practical.

The Bible narrates stories of real people's life-- some walked with the Lord, while some did not. Thus, the counsels and principles given in the Bible are practical. They are not some teaching and dogmas of someone who cut contact with society and claims to receive instruction from the divine. The Bible is a useful self-help book that guides its learners to understand the perfect will of God.

        5. It is written by authors from all walks of life.

Most of the time, we associate the credibility of the book with its authors. 

The Bible beautifully provides us authors from all walks of life. There were shepherds, fishermen, kings, prime minister, cup bearer physician, tax collector, and even a tent maker.

Amazingly, these people did not get the chance to meet each other. Yet, their works are surprisingly coherent from beginning to end.

Old Testament Authors

  • Amos: Amos

  • Daniel: Daniel

  • David and other authors: Psalms 

  • Ezekiel: Ezekiel

  • Ezra: Ezra (Additionally, Ezra is thought to have written 1st and 2nd Chronicles and possibly portions of Nehemiah)

  • Habakkuk: Habakkuk

  • Haggai: Haggai

  • Hosea: Hosea

  • Isaiah: Isaiah

  • Jeremiah: 1st and 2nd Kings, Lamentations, and Jeremiah

  • Joel: Joel

  • Jonah: Jonah

  • Joshua: Joshua

  • Malachi: Malachi

  • Micah: Micah

  • Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Moses possibly compiled/wrote the book of Job)

  • Nahum: Nahum

  • Nehemiah: Nehemiah

  • Obadiah: Obadiah

  • Samuel: (Samuel is believed to have written 1st and 2nd Samuel, Ruth, and Judges)

  • Solomon: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Solomon (also known as Song of Songs)

  • Zechariah: Zechariah

  • Zephaniah: Zephaniah

New Testament Authors

  • James: James

  • John: Gospel of John, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, Revelation

  • Jude: Jude

  • Luke: Gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles

  • Mark: Gospel of Mark

  • Matthew: Gospel of Matthew

  • Paul: Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon (possibly the book of Hebrews)

  • Peter: 1st and 2nd Peter

6. It appeals to the heart and the intellect.

Any ordinary book may make us laugh, cry, and move us into formulating a certain conviction. The Bible is no different. However, it takes its readers to a different level because it appeals to the heart and the intellect.

        7. It caters to all ages.

Unlike other educational materials that target only a particular age group, the Bible is for all ages. It caters to the young and old, to the toddler, preschooler, post-graduate learners, and retirees.

        8. It is universal.

The Bible transcends time, age, race, socioeconomic background, gender, and many more divisions, which makes it the best educational material. Imagine how the Ethiopian eunuch decided to get baptized right away after being enlightened by the Words of God (Acts 8:26-40).

        9. Its themes are relevant.

The Bible is incomparable to other educational material because its themes are always relevant. Sure, there are many differences in the context for when it was originally written. But its messages still cut to its readers until this time.

               10. It has the power to change a person.

Finally, the ultimate reason why the Bible is the best educational material is that it has the power to change a person. We understand that learning takes place when there is a behavioral change. The Bible has changed billions of people from all ages worldwide because of this unique divinely-generated power. Its words are sharp but not condemning, direct yet encouraging.

Reading the Bible is the best educational material because we connect to the fountain of knowledge and wisdom. When we read the Scriptures, we understand that those who find God find life and receive favor from Him (Proverbs 8:35).

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Ana said...

I recall a literature class in college where we studied the bible and the writing skills behind the story telling. It was an educational and engaging experience. Thanks for sharing.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Ana. I recall giving a speech in college regarding relationships and God. I had to answer questions afterwards. Had no idea what people would ask, but it proved to be interesting. Thanks for stopping by.

Create With Joy said...

Wonderful article Betty - thanks for sharing it at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy - I always enjoy your posts! :-)

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Create With Joy. Have a good day. said...

Love this. Visiting you from the wordless wed. link up.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Thanks for stopping by.