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I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Is Your Cellphone Affecting Your Sleep?

* * *Some Things You Need to Know * **

Are there times that you are having trouble falling asleep? Have there been times when your body was willing, but your mind was constantly thinking of nearly everything? Is there a possibility you are on your cellphone so much that it is affecting your sleep?

Sleep Remedies

This is an age where technology is increasing fast. There was the time time when it was said not too watch too much television because it was not good for you. Now there is emphasis on how cellphones affect you.

1. Playing games on your cellphone

I have observed that if I am on my cellphone playing games before bedtime, that I will not fall asleep readily when I go to bed. Seemingly my mind is wired and I do not feel sleepy even though I may be physically tired. According to psychologytoday.com a Harvard study was done that showed your cellphone can affect your falling asleep, delay your circadian clock rhythm, suppress your melanin secretion and much more. They further add that the artificial light at night, the blue type from phones and screens confuse your brain and messes up your brain’s clock.

2. In bed with your cellphone

Do you lay in bed with your cellphone beside you? Are you afraid that you might miss a call. I recall an acquaintance was having trouble sleeping. She shared that she slept with her cellphone by her side so that she would not miss a call. Unless you are on call for work and have a sick relative, I did not understand that reasoning. Even when you are on call for work they do have pagers for that.

What Can You Do For A Good Night Sleep?

3. Sea Sounds Sleep App

This particular app is free and it focuses on sound effects that relate to the sea or beach. It actually turns your android device in a bedtime sound box.

3. Oatmeal

Did you know that there are foods that you can eat before bedtime that will help you sleep? Some of those foods include, bananas, popcorn, cheese, peanut butter crackers, and much more. I know about these for a fact. Oatmeal is one of my favorites. I love that besides helping me sleep the oatmeal has fiber and a complete relaxation comes over my entire body. According to goodhousekeeping.com the grains in oatmeal trigger insulin production and raise your blood sugar naturally making you feel sleepy. They further add that the oats are rich in melatonin which relaxes the body to help you fall asleep.

 4. The Sun

Have you ever stopped to observe how you feel when the sun is shining? What about when it is a cloudy gloomy day and there is no sun to be found? I have found that the sun really makes a big difference for me. I have observed that it seemingly gives me extra energy. Whereas when it is cloudy all day I may just feel like I could sleep in with little effort. Well there may be something to that. According to healthline.com the light from the sun increases the brain’s release of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for boosting mood and helping you to feel calm and focused. With that being said be sure to get some sunlight today. I just love when I see the sun come out.  

Photo Caption: Public Domain, Courtesy Photo


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Clearissa said...

These are good tips. I used to sleep with my phone turned up on my night table. I also used to check my phone last before trying to sleep. After some research when I was not sleeping well, I learned to turn the phone down and to not check my phone or computer at least an hour before bedtime. Thank you for sharing with #BloggingGrandmotherLinkParty.

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

Boy, that blue light from our devices can sure affect sleep. Thanks for the reminder and great sleeping tips. Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer