I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Sunday, November 6, 2016

4 Good Parenting Habits

Although you may feel you do not have good parenting skills, you can develop them. There are numerous parenting tips available for you. No you may not be perfect, because there is only one perfect one and that is God. Parenting did not come with a manual, but you can do the best that you can by being aware of your family and never stop learning about them. We all have made mistakes.

Parenting Advice

1. Your Mouth

Proverbs 18:21, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit thereof. I have heard those that have remembrance of parents saying they would never amount to anything. Instead of encouragement, they received doom and predictions of failure. I recall Steve Harvey saying that he liked to make people laugh in school. He further stated his teacher told him he would not make any money making people laugh, but look at him now. You never know the future of your children. Children are creative and resilient. There are so many ways that you can encourage children with your words. In my article

"Do You Know There IsAwesome Power in the Word?"

I talk about the power of thank you, I will, I can, and much more. Children need to know that they can.

2. Room to Grow

Children need room to grow. You need to allow them a chance to make some decisions for themselves, because when they leave for college or even go to camp for the summer there will be decisions that they make everyday. Prayerfully you have trained them and given them values to make good sound decisions even though that may not always be the case.

3. Your Presence

Your presence is so important to your children. I have observed often parents are just as guilty of staying on their cellphones or lab tops just as children do. I observed during a child's gymnastic rehearsal, a mother on her labtop seemingly doing her work from home. She was really intent on her laptop. Her body was there, but not her presence. He focus was on her laptop and getting the work done. I am sure we all may have been guilty at some time or another not showing up for our children with our presence. I even recall forgetting to pick my children up from school. Now this only happened once, but how do you forget that, especially when you have several children as I did? These things happen, but it does not mean that your parenting habits are bad, you just possibly could improve. We all need improvement. 


Did you know that children love to laugh? Try using humor and laughter in your conversations. Something funny that my grandchildren and I do is when something occurs that we find amusing my grandchildren will say something like, “ That's your daughter, discipline her.” I will respond, “That's your mother, she is an adult.”  What are some of the good parenting habits that you have developed? I would love to hear about them.

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Lisa Ehrman said...

What a wonderful post! I love the verse you used in Proverbs :)

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Lisa.