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Valentine Be Mine Pet Bandana
Valentine Be Mine Pet Bandana

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Do You Know the Benefits of Eating Color?

Besides the fact that everyone likes to see a colorful dish, that dish may also be good for you. It is great, the food looks appealing, but even greater when that food is a healthy meal.

healthy snack ideas

An eating tip that I have observed is that several of the culinary dishes are quite colorful, healthy, and are quite pleasurable to your palate.

Diet Color

Have you given any thought to what colors your diet consist of? You might be surprised at the results.
I know personally that my diet does consist of red (strawberries, watermelon), green (greens, peas, green beans) and yellow (bananas). I love to make pineapple and banana smoothies. They are so delightful. According to nytimes, fruit and vegetables are the closes of foods that act like a fountain of youth. I believe that too. Fruits and vegetables are powerful protection against diseases.


I love to snack on raw carrots. Carrots are packed with vitamin A for the eyes. Also, this is a great way to eat fiber. In the article, I talk about the importance of variety in your children's diet.

Mini Meals

According to Rebecca Reeves, Dr.PH,RD at, people who eat 4-5 meals or snacks per day are able to control their appetite and weight better. That does make sense. I recall a friend of mine at one time was only eating 1 apple a day, because of her fear of getting fat. Little did she know that by eating only 1 apple she was causing her metabolism to slow down and possibly causing more harm than good. Although I know there are those that fast, but I could not imagine only eating an apple a day.


Best Diet Tips Ever—22 Ways to Stay on Track, Michael W. Smith, MD

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Deborah Davis said...

Hi Betty, I must admit that my diet is quite colorful--full of fresh fruits and vegetables at each meal! And I love them! Thank you so much for sharing these valuable benefits of eating "color" on the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

anointedtoday said...

You are most welcome Deborah. Also, my diet is quite colorful too.

PurpleSlob said...

Great point, God made all those foods pretty colors for a reason! Love the first paragraph of your blog!
Here from Waiting on Wednesday.

Unknown said...

I absolutely agree! Naturally colourful food is so so good for us. I hope your friend is now eating more than one apple a day too! Thanks for linking up with Pin Worthy Wednesday, hope to see you next week!

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Krissy B

anointedtoday said...

Thanks melinda

Unknown said...

Love the veggie flower. Eating color is truly a healthy way to eat. Thanks for sharing.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Rebecca.