Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Be Kind Glossy Sticker
Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun For Toddlers (Omg)

1. Strawberry Picking

I remember having a small strawberry garden in our back yard. I would go pick the strawberries to eat. For some reason they tasted like the sweetest strawberries ever. Have you considered planting a garden and allowing your child to experience the fruit of it? Children just love this.

2. Amusement Parks

Most children love amusement parks. There is something about the thrill of the rides, the food, and the bright colors. They love the excitement. I remember my first amusement park. I went with my former church Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. I thought that was so much fun. This is a memory that will last a lifetime. One of the popular theme parks now for the children to go to is Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. I can remember taking my toddlers to Cedar Point. They loved the rides and I loved the food.

3. Birthday Parties

I remember having my first birthday party. I thought that was so much fun. I loved the camaraderie, the dancing, and the food. I was only 4-years-old at the time. Most birthday parties now will consist of karaoke, bouncy house, food , and dancing. These are memories that can last a toddlers’ lifetime. This is great fun for toddlers. All of this helps and aides in toddler development. I believe the toddlers love the bouncy house more than anything. There are so many different types of bouncy houses available. There is no shame in their game when it comes to bouncy houses. Some are designed with water and have Spiderman, Dora, or even Disney Princesses themes.

4. Talent Shows

Sometimes large families will have talent shows. This allows the young toddlers to showcase their talents. Many are so very talented. I once attended a Christmas Program of a large family. They rented a small community hall. All of the adult children organized the program and the little ones performed. It was amazing to see this from just one family. It was truly a blessing for me.

5. Parades

I remember going to Toronto, Canada every year and I would watch my aunt in the parades. She was a member of the Eastern Star Organization. I just loved parades. There are so many variety of parades that children can watch and be a part of also. There are Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day Parades, and many more. For a child to actually view a live parade will create many beautiful memories.

6. Carnival

Carnivals are events that the entire family can share. You have a variety of events in one central location. You will see colorful stuffed animals, cotton candy, and rides. there is an alluring excitement about carnivals.

7. Travel

Travel Is just another great way to create a lasting memory with your toddler. Because toddlers are so open to new experiences, their minds will just absorb the experience. It also helps them learn about other parts of the world. They can learn differences and realize what is norm in your state may not be the norm in another state. I remember we would travel to Battle Creek, Michigan and visit my cousin. Her and her husband was in the process of building a house. I thought that was so exciting. I remember them having a lot of land. I remember loving the wide open space. I remember the house that they lived in was so small, but the house they were building was oh so large. I liked that.

What type of memories have you built for your toddler? Prayerfully, they are good ones.

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