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I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, February 1, 2019

Best Iphone Tips

5 Tips Just For You. . . . .

Since you have purchased your Iphone are you utilizing many features that are available to you?

Technology has advanced very fast. These are just a few things you may not know.

Iphone Six

Are your new folders and various apps cluttering up your Home Screen? In fact do you have 40 or more apps that are just all over your home Screen? There is a solution for that. You can create a folder that will contain all of your apps.

1. Create a Folder App

A. Go to the home screen and hold down on any app for about two seconds.
B. All of your apps will start bouncing.
C. Drag one app into another app.
d. Continue dragging other apps into the one app
E. Click Home Screen button to stop the bouncing.
F. Then hold down on that one app and click on it, you can name the app what you desire at the top.
G. Then Click done

2. Add Picture to Home Screen

Possibly you would like to add your picture or maybe a family picture to your home screen. No problem.

A. Go to your photo app and select the photo you want to use.
B. Click on the Photo
C. In the Lower left corner click icon
D. Then click use as wallpaper
E. The select set the photo as home screen

Also, note this same thing can be done by going into your settings

A. Scroll down to Wallpaper
B. Choose a New Wallpaper
C. Then Choose the photo that you want to use

3. How to create a Screenshot on Iphone

A. open the app or picture that you want to capture
B. Press and hold the power button on the right and click the home button at the exact time.

4.  Add a Picture to Your Contact

Would you like to add a picture beside the contact that you are calling or texting? This is
very simple.

A. Open your contacts
B. Click on the contact you want to add the picture to
B. Click on Edit
C. Click on Add Photo
D. Choose the picture from your photo Gallery that you would like to use
E. Then Click done

Another version.

A. Click on the picture from your photo or text
B. Assign to Contacts
C. Scroll down to Contact name
D. Click Choose
E. Then Click Update

5.  Add Your Favorite Song

Do you Have a Favorite song that you Like? Well you can add that favorite song to your text messages, alerts, and phone calls. . . Your Favorite Ringtone

A. Go to the  Itunes Store online
B. Download your favorite song. . . note some of them are very inexpensive about $.99 cents or $1.29
I have downloaded more than one so that I can have different ringtones for my phone calls, texts,
and alerts
C. Go to Settings
D. Scroll Down to Sounds
E. Go to Ringtones then download the song that you just obtained from Itunes
You can continue scrolling down and add that song or another song to your text tone, your voicemail ,
calendar alerts, and much more.

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John Mulindi said...

Am not using iPhone now, but this is educative post. Thanks.

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Newer iPhones and maybe older ones with the up to date iOS 12.1.4 have a screenshot function built in, did you know? Thanks so much for partying with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 30! Shared ♥

Roseann Hampton said...

I have never owned an iphone - thanks for sharing your tips with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

Karen Dennis said...

Great tips that I will follow #happynow@_karendennis