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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Have You Tried the Paleo Diet?

What is all the hype about a Paleo Diet? There is the claim that you can live longer and healthier. Is this diet worth investigating and following?

Paleo Diet Plan

Maybe it is not a bad idea. I have not tried it, but it sounds very intriguing. There are awesome claims that you can loose weight with this diet.

1. Don't Eat

According to Dr. Loren Cordain, who has written several books on the Paleo Diet, you should not eat cereal grains, dairy, refined sugar, and potatoes. He further talks about a paleo breakfast that might consist of an omelet with saute' onion, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli in olive oil, and maybe add diced turkey. Now the omelet sounds delightful, but giving up potatoes cereal grains is something I question. Maybe I question it so much because I like those foods. He does, however, talk about several ways to incorporate this into your lifestyle.

This plan has sometimes been referred to as the caveman's diet according to WebMD. It is further suggested that you can loose weight during this time and it is important to avoid processed foods. Now is it possible that most of the food you like just happens to be processed foods? You may need to start looking at that.

2.  What it is?

The Paleo diet is a plan detailing foods that may have been eaten during 2.5 million years ago according to the Mayo Clinic. They further add this diet plan may include fruits, vegetable, nuts, and lean meats.

3.  Safe for Kids

Million of years ago hunters gave their children foods from the paleo diet as oppose to making soy formula, and rice cereals according to Neely at In fact soy formula did not exist during the caveman era. In addition, Neely talks about sweet potatoes, squash, and white potatoes becoming your kids best friend. Now, I guess there are apparently a few differences of opinions as you can see earlier in this article Dr. Loren Cordain suggests not eating potatoes.

4..  Pros and Cons

It is suggested that the paleo diet is the way the humans were designed to eat according to Dr. Loren Cordain who started the study in the 1970's. It is further suggested that this paleo plan may be pricey, no dairy products does not help your bone growth, and taking away some foods can cause a nutrient imbalance. Is the Paleo Diet worth it? Will it cause more harm than good? Have you tried the Paleo Diet and it is working for you? What are your thoughts on this?

Photo Caption: Google Images


What to Eat on the Paleo Diet, Dr. Loren Cordain

The Paleo Diet, by Matt McMillen, Michael Dansinger, MD

Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet, Leslie Bronci, RD, MPH, LDN, Director of Sports Nutrition

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Learn More From this author. . . . . Click Below


What to Eat on the Paleo Diet, Dr. Loren Cordain

The Paleo Diet, by Matt McMillen, Michael Dansinger, MD

Paleo diet: What is it and why is it so popular?

Is Paleo Safe for Kids? Neely

Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet, Leslie Bronci, RD, MPH, LDN, Director of Sports Nutrition

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Unknown said...

Ive heard of this diet too, but have been hesitant to try it because it bans so many of the foods I like to eat. There have been others that try the diet and make and exception list. This means they stick to the diet as close as possible, but will compromise on a few things. Thanks so much for sharing such an informative post with us on #SHINEblogshop!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Maria. I have the same sentiments.

Deborah Davis said...

What an informative post! I am so delighted that you shared key details of the Paleo Diet at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party!Thank you so much for sharing your gems and for your support! I'm pinning and sharing! All the best, Deborah

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Deborah.