Monday, October 5, 2015

Does Your Child Always Blame?

Does your child always blame others for problems rather than taking responsibility. Have you wondered why your child does this? Does blaming others really solve the problem?

When you take a look at why children are always blaming others, you may see a few great revelations. Maybe they feel it is easier to blame someone else. Lets look at some of the reasons why children may blame others.

Stop Blaming Others

Approval talks about a schoolroom situation where a child is blaming someone else for using the big scissors even though the teacher saw the student pick the scissors up to use. It is suggested that possibly this child is yearning for approval and the fear of disapproval is the reasoning for blaming others.


Do your children see themselves as the victim? This is another reason that children may blame others according to empowering


According to Compartment, you can hold children accountable for their actions by making honesty pay. How can you do that? You can be calm, approachable, and more importantly let children know that everyone makes mistakes. They further add not to forget to give children praise for owning up to their actions.


When children blame do you become highly upset and raise your voice when confronting them?
What could children do differently instead of blaming? According to when asking children what they could do differently,  you allow your children to grow from this situation and even help them feel empowered. Let's face it feeling empowered is an awesome feeling.

Photo Credit:

Mini and Eunice.Com



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  1. Good stuff Betty. And yes, we all know adults who do that. It's always everyone else's fault.

    1. Thanks Mary. I was thinking the exact same thing. Thanks for taking time to stop by.

  2. Thanks for sharing this with us at Pin-Worthy Wednesday!

  3. Thank you for sharing this important post at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

  4. I have a child much like you described! Thank you for giving me some insight and for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday!


  5. This is such a great and helpful post. I will definitely keep it in mind next time my kid plays the blame game. Also, I'll be using it on myself as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Betty,
    Your posts are so powerful and helpful! Thank you for sharing your valuable insights on why children blame. I have noticed this behavior in my nephew with us on the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

  7. Thanks Deborah. I have observed this behavior in certain adults as well.
