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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

4 Signs You Are Encouraging Your Kids

 Are you encouraging your kids? When you give words of encouragement, you should see some evidence of that. Have you seen the signs?

healthy relationships
When you have encouraged your children, you may see your children encouraging others as well. This shows you that they really have listened to you. You are encouraging your kids when you do a few of the following:

1. Words

I have mentioned this several times before that words are very important to encouraging others. Just one word at the right time may do wonders for children. Problems have always existed in the world. Some of the types of problems such as online bullying, online predators, and trafficking are increasing problems children are dealing with today.

In the article " 5 Phrases That Will Uplift Your Child," I talk about 5 phrases that uplift your child. Some of my favorite words and phrases to encourage kids are awesome, great job, good catch, thank you, you are so good at that, and I am so proud of you.

In the article "Blue Eyed-Brown-Eyed Review,"l I talk about an experiment that was done showing how people show prejudice against others. Well your kids are faced with prejudices and negativity in school. Words of encouragement and your home should be a safe haven for your children. They should know that you will lift them up and they need to believe it. They should not only receive your words of encouragement, but they should believe it. I recall telling my child she was beautiful and her reply to me was, “You have to say that because you are my mother.” I needed to reaffirm to her that I did not have to say that and that there were so many good qualities in her that she needed to know about. There are many good qualities in all of our children. We just need to see them.

2. Listening

The reason that listening is so important, is because your kids may have some great ideas. It is important to encourage them with their ideas even though you may not see it or even if their idea does not come to fruition as everyone planned. They should be encouraged for trying. They should be encouraged for their creativity.

3. Talent
Whatever your kids natural abilities are, you definitely should encourage them in that area. I encourage my grandsons for their ability to solve problems on the computer. God gives that to them and because their father is awesome with computers I see that inclination in them. Your kids may be good with computers, writing, giving instructions, and or teaching. Find out what they are good at and encourage them.

4. Problem-Solving

Are you always rushing to solve your children's problems? Why not encourage them to think about possible solutions? Both you and your child may want to discuss them. When they discover a good solution, let them know how proud you are of them. I recall a Principal addressing elementary students. Something she said stayed in mind. She told the students, “Employers are looking for problem-solvers.” I thought about it. That is so true. They want someone to solve their problems. Are you children good at problem-solving? Even if they are not good at it encourage them for attempting to find a solution. Encouragement is so vital.
Photo Caption: WikiMedia,  encyclopedia, Bill Bransom photographer, Public Domain


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Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us at good morning Mondays. Your first point really hit home, how do our children speak to others, are they encouraging, are we encouraging them? Thanks for the reminder. Blessings

Unknown said...

Funnily enough one of my twins — even at the age of two — is a fantastic problem solver!! He likes nothing more than a puzzle or challenge That's definitely *his* talent! Whilst the other twin likes nothing more than talking and learning new words — for which he received MUCH encouragement! :) Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x

Caro |

anointedtoday said...

Ones Caro it is amazing. Each child is unique even with twins.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Terri.

Deborah Davis said...

Our children have so much potential just waiting to be tapped--with wise and consistent encouragement from those around them! I am delighted that you shared your insights on the Signs You Are Encouraging Your Kids-on the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.I can't wait to read what you share with us next!

Holly @ Coordinator of Chaos said...

Great reminders! Thank you for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday! Hope to see you back tomorrow!

Holly @

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Deborah.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Holly.

Well Hello! said...

Betty thanks so much for these tips. I have a little brown girl at home and I am working consciously to make sure she is built up in her confidence and spirit. Thanks again and please feel free to link up with me at the Beautiful, Creative and Inspired Link Up on Fridays at 9am. I look forward to partying with you.

anointedtoday said...

Mirror watching g thanks for stopping by.

Our Little Yarden said...

Thank you for these tips Betty - thank you for sharing with Pin worthy Wednesday

Unknown said...

Hi Betty,
As a former teacher and a loving Auntie, I have always believed in the importance of encouraging, stimulating and challenging our kids. Thank you for sharing these helpful insights with us at the Hi Nancy,
My best friend's birthday is in March and she is passionate about shades of blue especially Aquamarine and Aqua so I always try to select gifts in those colors for her. She also loves the water and swims like a fish! Those colors are lovely and soothing.They are perfect for her. Thank you for sharing these insights with us at the Healthy Happy Green Natural Party! I'm Pinning and sharing this!

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Deborah.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Amber.